Sunday, December 09, 2007

Duck on a Wire

Anyone ever seen a duck on a telephone wire?! I didn't think they could hang on with their webbed feet, but see the picture for yourself. During the last couple weeks of November, we saw these kind of ducks on the wires. I've never seen them before. I think they are migrating and they stop to hang out near the aquaduct and these wires run over the aquaduct. They like to be on the wires, even though they do seem to have a hard time balancing. I really would like to know if other ducks do this, or if these ones are just losing their sanity!


Missy said...

Well it is about time that we make a post! Cool spider. Did Chris not freak out at the initial presence of this cute little furry one? I love the name Eragog. It fits him perfectly. What cha bin up too? We are heading to Utah this weekend. Karolee and I were going to "Hang" You going to be around?

Kristina said...

Unfortunately I'm stuck out here. Even put in a vacation request for Christmas day. Nope- gotta work!